This month's featured survey!

The Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire.
The is one of our most popular surveys. It helps schools gather essential data on students' subjective wellbeing and is especially valuable looking towards transition. It explores school connectedness, academic efficacy, the joy of learning, and educational purpose.

Run this survey for just £49
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Survey Schedule

2019 - 2020

This is the current schedule for the surveys we are powering.
Oct 19 - Nov 19
Nov 19 - Dec 19
Jan 20 - Mar 20
Young People's Literacy and Aspirations
Annual Literacy Survey                  

Frequently Asked Questions

A large UK University

Our University benchmark research attracted attention from the HR director of a large post 1992 University. They knew they wanted to have the full survey and follow up information and planned to have the survey become a regular part of their annual organisational development cycle.

We talked them through our 360 degree survey philosophy and discussed how the process should be tailored for them.The full QoWL survey was undertaken, complete with organisational specific questions.

An attractive and professional looking paper version of the QoWL survey questionnaire was produced to give to staff who did not have ready access to the usual internet based survey system. The whole university was given notice through the staff magazine a month before the survey and a week before a pre-survey warning was emailed to all staff. Departmental managers were briefed on the importance of the survey and how useful the results would be to them and the university.

On 'Q' day the internet survey went live and the paper versions were made available with appropriately addressed envelopes to relevant staff. Reminders were sent out after 1 and 2 and a half weeks and the survey closed after three and a half weeks. At this point the online survey data was processed and the paper based questionnaire data was passed to QoWL to be entered into the database and analysed alongside with online data. Within two weeks an initial analysis had taken place and based on feedback from the university HR department staff categories with less than 10 staff reported were collapsed into bigger groupings.After a further four weeks the full summary analysis was delivered, comprising of a detailed breakdown of each question and each WRQoL and HSE factor by relevant category questions. A presentation was then given by a director of QoWL to the university senior management team. A final version of the full report and short summary reports for each of 10 departments / areas of the university were provided after a further two weeks.

University HR staff arranged a series of departmental / area level presentations to guide the use of the summaries. After a further two months an executive summary of the general results including feedback and comments on the process and findings were circulated to all staff through a special edition of the staff newsletter. Implications and actions planned due to the points arising from the survey were highlighted. During the next year progress on achieving the action plan was publicised through the staff newsletter.

A Large UK Primary Care Trust

A large UK NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT) required an independent professional, high-quality audit of the opinions of their staff.  A strategy to develop the audit was produced during an initial meeting with the Trust’s human resources representatives. We then met with management, unions, and human resources representatives to develop the requirements for the survey. On the basis of analysis of previous survey results in the Trust, a small number of core Work-Related Quality of Life (QoWL) questions were chosen, to which a selection of questions relevant to the current needs of the Trust were added. The human resources team were guided as to how to pilot the questionnaire within their organisation. Our team then desk top published the final version of the questionnaire and cover sheet, and the PCT organised the printing of the questionnaires themselves.  We advised on strategies for getting high response rates and the questionnaire was distributed.  The questionnaires were filled in by employees, and then put into free post envelopes and posted back to us. We organised processing of the over 1000 envelopes and inputting of the data into a database. This data was analysed using a suite of programs specially written by our staff for this type of analysis.

Executive summaries of the findings were provided for the Trust management team and described during a presentation to department heads within the organisation. The full report was discussed in detail with the steering group of management, unions, and with the human resources team as part of the development of a strategy for the organisation to resolve the issues highlighted during the survey. A presentation was then made to the Board of Governors which contained a review of the findings of the survey and the recommended actions. A summary of the survey, a celebration of good practice found, and the actions to be taken to resolve outstanding issues were provided to employees through the Trust newsletter.

The Trust reported that the process had given them valuable information about the needs and requirements of their employees.  Some very practical actions taken on the basis of the survey included addressing child-care needs of staff and improving flexible working arrangements. The survey also highlighted a problem with the uptake of the appraisal system.  This led to the human resources providing further training and workshops for managers and employees.

The analysis of the open questions which asked employees to comment on "what is the best thing about your job", "what is the worst thing about your job", "what is the one thing you would most like to change about your job", were found to be especially helpful in understanding the work context of the core QoWL questions by providing specific examples of how the organisation might improve the working lives of employees.

A survey the following year found improvements in the targeted areas, and identified certain other areas as requiring attention.  The ongoing cycle of survey, action and re-assessment was found to be useful by the Trust and contributed to the empowerment of the employees.

A Large LEA

A Large Local Education Authority required a sample of employee views across their organisation. We met with the representatives including the head of personnel to develop an assessment of the QoWL of staff.  In addition, given specific client concerns, a set of questions was developed to measure types of harassment experienced by staff. APU personnel helped the organisation develop a sampling strategy and provided project management assistance to pilot the questionnaire within the LEA.

Questionnaires were distributed and passed directly to the us. The questionnaires were processed and entered into a database. A short report containing the key findings in the form of an extended executive summary was developed.  Results were used to inform LEA personnel policy and actions were formulated using the data to tackle high staff turnover.

The Open University

The Attitude To Reading Report
What are children choosing to read and how do they choose?
Using data from 1194 children aged 8-11 years who took part in the Attitude to Reading survey provided by BounceTogether and written by the School Library Association, The Open University have produced a fantastic 'Children's Reading Choices' Report. Some of the main findings and insights from are summarised below:
What do you read?
74% Fiction , 21% Comics / Graphic Novels , 30% Non-Fiction
What is your favourite book or story?
12% Didn't like any books or stories
How do you choose what to read?
14% Ask an adult , 56% Look at the shelves , 21% Read suggestions from friends
Boys were more likely to read non-fiction
B=35% , G=26%
Boys were more likely to read comics / graphic novels
B=27% , G=14%

What's your role in school?

PE Lead
What can we interest you in? What can we help you with?
No items found.
Teaching Assistant
What can we interest you in? What can we help you with?
No items found.
School Governor
What can we interest you in? What can we help you with?
Classroom Teacher
What can we interest you in? What can we help you with?
Literacy Lead
What can we interest you in? What can we help you with?
What can we interest you in? What can we help you with?
No items found.

What's your role in school?

Easily build a wellbeing strategy
Running surveys provides a great way to gain insights, open conversations and strengthen relationships.
Q1. "I feel that I am good at some things". How much do you agree/disagree?
Q2. "I feel like I belong at school". How much do you agree/disagree?
Q3. "I like to deal with problems on my own". How much do you agree/disagree?
Q5. "I can really be myself at school". How much do you agree/disagree?
Q4. "I am confident in my ability to succeed". How much do you agree/disagree?
BounceTogether Team
Typically replies in a few hours
BounceTogether Team
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Why are schools choosing BounceTogether?

Saving time and money

"Efficiency is high on importance and BounceTogether gives us a more useful way of collecting and analysing data"

Reporting detail

"The way results are displayed was a key factor in us choosing to go with BounceTogether"

Ensuring no children fall under the radar

"Being able to (in most surveys) look at individual answers is key to early identification."

Evidencing impact to Governors, SLT, and Ofsted

"Evidencing for me is key, to see if our intervention pathway is working and having a positive impact, but also as a way of evidencing for Governors, SLT, and other agencies (OFSTED in particular)."

Everyone who deals with or uses BounceTogether in their schools, knows the valuable impact it has, together with its ease of use and incredibly useful and manageable data that it gives us. Great to see this confirmed in this customer review survey.

Teacher and SENCO

Powerful, instant reporting for every survey

- Ensure no child slips through the net
- Store all information in one place
- Better understand wellbeing across your school
- Quickly identify trends and patterns
Try Bounce
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Quickly generate summarised results from ANY survey, helping you seamlessly measure progress, and monitor impact.
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Surveys are analysed and scored for you with results available immediately after they have been completed.
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    Make easy comparisons between surveys taken over the academic year.
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    View results by question and sort by answer options e.g. those who "strongly disagree" or who "think my life is worthwhile".
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    View results for a particular year-group, cohort, individual, or demographic.
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    Filter results to make comparisons across school demographics e.g. Pupil Premium, Free School Meals, SEND.
    Save time and money making easy comparisons between insights at different levels within your school.
    You can also run a comprehensive report for EVERY survey to share findings with key satakeholders
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    Presentation-ready Format

    You can download reports at the touch of a button in a variety of different file types e.g. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

    Reports are perfect to help you monitor the impact of interventions at whole school, year-group, cohort, or individual level and demonstrate this to SLT, Governors, or inspection bodies.

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    Run Filtered Reports

    Quickly run reports to show results for a specific class or key demographic - SEND, Pupil Premium, EAL, or Free School Meals.

    Your top and bottom 20% of pupils are automatically highlighted so you can use insights to inform action plans and monitor progress going forward.

    Reports provide you with a clear explanation of what the scoring tells you and highlight what sub-domains, questions, and answers you need to look out form.


    Tracking wellbeing with ease

    Move one step closer to implementing an efficient monitoring and tracking system that enables you to embed healthy wellbeing practices across your whole school and drive improvements.
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    You are one step closer to putting the mental health and wellbeing needs of your school community first.
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