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Introduce other schools to us and get FREE, additional months of usage on BounceTogether.

Fancy a book hamper, vouchers, or new equipment on us?

Here's how you can unlock rewards

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Spread the word

Follow the instructions below
and introduce other schools to BounceTogether.

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Build your points

We do the rest! Our team will send you 100 points for EVERY school that goes on to purchase.

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Unlock rewards

Choose one of the exciting rewards available.

2024 special!

Send an email to 15 contacts and we will give you 3 months FREE, immediately!

Make an intro

Here's the easy bit. Simply copy the email below or write your own and send it to schools you know. The more schools you introduce, the more rewards you can unlock.
*to be eligible, you must cc our team in - [email protected]

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