Physical Activity and Behaviours
Physical Self Efficacy

Physical Self Efficacy

Self-efficacy is an individuals' confidence in their ability to successfully perform a particular task. Self-efficacy beliefs therefore play a role in maintenance of health behaviours over time. This survey aims to assess self-efficacy beliefs related to physical activity engagement.

The survey includes important questions such as:

  • "I think I can be physically active no matter how busy my day is."
  • "I think I can be physically active after school even if my friends want me to do something else."
  • "I think I can ask my parent/guardian to get me the equipment I need to be physically active."
  • "I think I can be physically active after school even if I could watch TV or play video games instead."

By exploring these aspects of self-efficacy, we can better understand how to support and empower students in adopting and maintaining active lifestyles despite potential barriers.

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Physical Self Efficacy
Questionnaire / Scales

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