Bullying and E-safety
Online Safety Survey

Online Safety Survey

This exclusive survey has been produced in partnership with online safety specialists Online Safety UK to help schools understand and monitor the online experiences of pupils. The survey measures pupils’ online behaviours and provides teachers with a picture of whether pupils are equipped with the skills they need to navigate their online activities safely. Here are some examples of the things you might do with the results:

  • Pupil-led assembly. Pupils present survey findings in a school assembly, promoting open dialogue and understanding among students, parents, and teachers about online experiences and safety
  • Curriculum enhancement. Use survey insights to enrich the curriculum with targeted lessons on online safety, fostering a proactive approach to responsible online behaviour practices
  • Parent-teacher meetings. Share survey results with teachers to create customised support plans for students, organise workshops for parents based on the findings
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Online Safety UK


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Online Safety Survey
Online Safety Survey
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